Thursday, May 2, 2024

20 Safe Ways to Kill Ants in Your Home Without Toxic Chemicals

tiny ants in house

These ants are easier to identify compared to Argentine ants given their large size. It might seem like there's nothing you can do to keep ants out year after year — but there are certain tricks that can make all the difference. Look for one who’s committed to using the least toxic products possible. Let them know if you have children, pets, or other concerns, such as a respiratory health condition. It’s imperative to keep borax away from pets and children as it may be harmful. Figure 8 - Treating around the base of a treat where an ant nest is located (Image - M. Waldvogel, NCSU).

Making Borax Ant Bait

They continue to leave a trail of pheromones all the way back to the nest. The easiest way to kill ants is to spray and squash them as soon as you see them. Use a bleach solution to kill them as you spot them and clean away their trail to prevent other ants from finding the new food source.

tiny ants in house

Bait ants with peanut butter and honey

So how are they so clever at getting into our homes and finding our food? You’ve probably noticed ants more commonly come indoors in summer - that’s largely because most insects are more active in the warmer months. Spray the ants directly with the bleach solution and wipe them away with paper towels.

What Kind of Tiny Ants Are in My Kitchen?

When using any chemical agents, read the label and follow the manufacturer's directions carefully. Keep the pesticides out of the reach of children and pets and dispose of any unused chemicals following the guidelines of your municipality. Fortunately, most common indoor ants do not do much real damage. But it's not just heat and hunger that encourages ant activity — the rain has a part to play, too, as ants seek shelter indoors, away from flooding nests.

How to Get Rid of Ants in Your House and Yard

The 10 Best Ant Killers of 2024 for Inside and Outside the Home - Real Simple

The 10 Best Ant Killers of 2024 for Inside and Outside the Home.

Posted: Fri, 12 May 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

In rare cases, people bitten by these ants can even go into anaphylaxis. The species is known for eating dead animals, as well as dead insects. These ants are scavengers and predators having a varied diet. But they frequently make their way inside homes where they cause serious structural damage.

Ant Removal: Determine the Best Ant Bait

Neem oil is a naturally occurring insecticide extracted from the neem tree, native to India. Cornstarch, available at grocery stores, can be an effective way to smother many ants at one time. You can purchase tea tree oil at your local grocery store, health food store, or online. You may be able to find peppermint oils at your local grocery chain or health food store.

Odorous House Ant

tiny ants in house

Additionally, a 2018 study found that peppermint oil was far more effective than vinegar at killing and repelling fire ants. In some tests, 100% peppermint oil killed all the ants that were exposed to it. Mix Borax with equal parts water and sugar to make a syrup, and leave it in the corners where you've noticed ants. This method will work to kill the entire colony in roughly 24 to 48 hours, as the worker ants will bring the liquid back to the nest. Some natural ways to permanently get rid of ants include using water-based mixtures that contain borax and Diatomaceous earth, or pouring boiling water into ant holes.

How to Get Rid of Indoor Ants Without Chemicals

Boric acid is a slow-acting poison that is ideal for killing ants. The ants have sufficient time to take the bait back to the colony to poison all of the ants rather than just a few of them. These natural ingredients keep ants from entering the area, and cornmeal is a natural fire ant killer.

While you could always purchase ant traps at the store, making a homemade ant bait trap at home is easy enough. The sweetness attracts the ants while the Borax poisons them. Dust a fine layer of food-grade diatomaceous earth around the perimeter of your home to kill ants traveling back and forth from the house to their nest. The DE is also useful for applying around other areas of the yard where there are infestations. The ants pick up the powder on their exoskeletons as they travel across it, causing them to dehydrate and die. There are certain scents that ants are repelled by, and it’s easy to use these to your advantage.

Ants occasionally come inside in search of water, particularly during dry periods. In this case you may see them in bathrooms or other humid parts of the house. Bring a large pot or pan of water to boil, and carefully pour the hot water into a watering can. Adding dish soap or salt to the water increases the effectiveness by up to 60%. Place the dish in an area where ants are spotted and wait for them to take the bait. Wet a sponge with warm water, add some dish soap and use the sponge to wash away the entire length of the ant trail.

While most of these ants are nuisance ants, all of them can wreak havoc on your pantry, infesting and contaminating dried goods in paper or plastic bags and cardboard boxes. Some tiny ants can move into wall voids and build nests in inaccessible places. Some ants prefer sweet foods, hence the sugar ant name, while others prefer fatty, greasy foods, and others prefer a mixed diet.

The first step to dealing with ants in your house is ensuring they don’t have access to food. If you have a particularly troublesome ant colony in your yard, use boiling water to eliminate the entire nest. Dunk a cotton ball into the solution and place it into a bottle cap. Set the trap on the kitchen counter where you have seen ants marching along, and other areas of the home where there is an infestation.

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